
Averted Disaster Award 2023

Special Recognition


Averting disaster with the power of media: BBC MEDIA ACTION

As drought threatens traditional pastoral communities in Kenya and Somalia, BBC Media Action is supporting media programming that can help families adapt.

Earlier this year, the World Meteorological Organisation forecast yet another below-normal rainfall for Kenya and Somalia – the sixth consecutive season of poor rains in the last three years. 

The resulting drought has left an estimated 3.5 million people severely food insecure, and devastated the herds of traditional pastoral groups. An estimated 1.5 million animals have perished from depleted pastures and diminished water sources. In Marsabit, Samburu and Turkana counties in Kenya, over 90% of open water sources had gone dry, as of spring 2022. 

But information can help people make critical decisions and cope. And in these three worst-affected counties, families and communities have reported that they have been able to start kitchen gardens, harvest rainwater, improve how they manage their herds, and take other measures to help adapt their lives and livelihoods – because of stories shared and information they have learned through radio.

Citizens fetching water

Joining up to provide essential weather and climate information

BBC Media Action has brought together media professionals and scientists to improve communication around essential weather and climate information, ensuring that it reflects people’s voices and needs. Our projects, Weather Wise – part of WISER, funded by the UK Met Office with back-funding from the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office; and Down2Earth, a consortium funded by the European Union – have built on tested methods of mentoring journalists and broadcasters using the editorial standards and principles of the BBC, while forging stronger connections with local climate scientists  and Met officers.


Mentoring session

Our first project, Weather Wise, addressed the existing disconnect between climate scientists, broadcasters, and their audiences. Climate scientists often produce technical research findings and projections, but farmers and pastoralists need information in simple, accessible local languages that they can apply to everyday challenges. A temperature provided in degrees Celsius means little to someone used to predicting weather using traditional methods and unaccustomed to reading a thermometer. And, despite efforts to improve weather and climate services in East Africa, our formative research found that their engagement with ordinary people is still relatively low due to the lack of reach, relevance, and accessibility.

Weather Wise approaches

Our Weather Wise project aimed to close this gap by improving access to, and knowledge of, climate and weather information amongst farmers, fishermen and pastoralists in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania, through:

  • Training and mentoring:  Working with 10 local radio stations, we built the skills of media professionals from these three countries on effective communication of weather and climate information – ensuring they keep practical decision-making in mind. Working to editorial standards and values of the BBC we conducted in-house and remote training on topics such as appropriate formats, story packaging, and how to increase audience engagement.
  •  Relationship building: We supported  local journalists to build networks with climate scientists, Met officers, agricultural extension workers and others essential to telling stories about climate change. Over time we persuaded these officials that investing their time speaking to and co-producing content with local journalists was an effective strategy to reach their target audiences. 
  • Encouraging partnership: We held workshops to bring together journalists and climate scientists – many of whom had not previously worked together – to forge new partnerships and networks, encouraging the co-production of high-quality climate media content.
  • Audience feedback: We used our research with audiences to understand what radio content they found most useful and worked with the journalist to improve the content based on audience feedback. Our research showed station managers that their audience needed and appreciated this type of content and that they were using it to make decisions to improve their lives. 


Vivian Achwa interviewing a turkana lady(Tioko) in Loima Turkana

In our Down2Earth follow-up project, we worked with five broadcasters focused on Marsabit, Turkana and Samburu counties. For this project, we first built an understanding of media consumption, knowledge and attitudes in rural communities through research. We followed that with capacity-strengthening with local radio station partners through training, mentoring, equipment donation and building links with local climate scientists. Broadcasters then produced media content focusing on water scarcity, food insecurity and climate adaptation. 

What our research found

Following both projects, our researchers found that listeners to these radio programmes understood climate change and its impacts, and were able to list actions they learned which could help them improve their livelihoods. For example, pastoralists spoke about evacuating livestock and families at times of heavy rainfall and flooding. 

Maqueline(radio presenterproducer) demonstrating to listeners how to use a radio they won during a radio game in her program

While some doubted the accuracy of weather forecasts, all listeners surveyed said they understood the importance of listening, and how the forecast can help them prepare. And even when limited finances prevented greater actions, listeners said they were able to apply their learning to some extent to help prevent losses. 

As the drought continues, many in these communities are now benefitting from an improved ability to cope with extreme weather, from the information and inspiration they have received through radio. 

Stories from our communities

“Being a pastoralist, there are a lot of challenges… such as lack of water and pasture ..People need to be trained and to gain skills so (they can) cope with the situation. I would encourage the youth to use social media and radio stations to gain information, especially on climate change …I have really learned some skills…I started a kitchen garden, and water harvesting.” Wambaz, 25, an artist, radio presenter and farmer in Marsabit, Kenya

“The topics they discuss are relevant because they share information I need. I have learned a lot from the stories they share. I know that if I do certain things I will benefit, and I also know that if I continue to listen to it then it will benefit me, my household and my life in general.” Female, Taru, audience member of Serian FM

“I heard them saying on radio that seasons have changed and that we should not just plant maize as we mostly do but plant other crops like sweet potatoes and kunde (cowpeas) that don’t require a lot of rain and that mature within a short time. I also heard them say that we should move our livestock to safer grounds to prevent them from being washed away by flash floods. Before I never used to have this knowledge and used to be caught unaware with rains when livestock were grazing away from home.”— Male listener of Jangwani FM, Logologo, Kenya

Wambaz, 25, is an artist, radio presenter and farmer from a traditional pastoralist community in Marsabit, Kenya

Essential components

This intervention, carried out over several years amid severe drought, can be easily replicated and scaled up to cover vast areas. We know from experience that people in even the most remote and rural locations can be reached where they are, through radio. Even in areas with little to no access to media, the provision of solar-powered or wind-up radios, loaded with content and shared with listening groups, ensures communities are reached with information that can be shared with others in participants’ families, communities and social networks.  

Media and communication are essential in any climate action to reduce and mitigate risk. They work at speed, scale and low cost to reach audiences with timely, relevant and trusted information in languages they understand, to help them make critical decisions for themselves and their families. The information imparted in these projects will help families better cope with ongoing drought and extreme weather patterns – including through longer-term adjustments to their livelihoods for better economic security.


Averted Disaster Award 2023

Special Recognition

Prepared International (PPI)

The Professional Dialogue:

Strengthening Cross-Border Cooperation through Disaster Diplomacy

The current war activities between Israel and the Hamas underlines how crucial it is to find ways to save lives across conflict lines and support the civilian population. The “Professional Dialogue on emergency preparedness and lifesaving between Jordan, Israel and Palestine”, also known as the “Professional Dialogue”, is a unique disaster risk diplomacy scheme aimed at strengthening cross border disaster preparedness and response coordination in the Jordan, Israel, and Palestine (JIP) area with the end goal of saving and protecting lives. This intervention has significantly impacted the disaster-prone area and the conflict-affected communities in JIP, by utilizing the principles of disaster diplomacy to foster collaboration and address the unique challenges of the region.

Origins and Goal

The project was founded in 2013 by the Director of Prepared International (PPI) – a expert group founded by members of the humanitarian emergency management field to support communities – Dr. Albrecht Beck, while working for the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA). Dr. Beck started the negotiations in 2011, a time in which communication between the three emergency management systems was almost non-existent. These efforts translated into a series of bilateral training courses, kindly facilitated by Dr. Beck on behalf of UN OCHA, which initiated the disaster diplomacy project to better prepare the region and international assistance for a natural hazard event in the region, specifically, a large-scale earthquake event. As statistics demonstrate, there is a strong probability of an earthquake (M 6+) to occur along the Dead Sea Fault (DSF) Zone over the current decade, and the 2023 earthquake on the Türkiye – Syrian border is thought to have accelerated the likability of such an event to happen. Ultimately, the project aims to protect vulnerable communities in the JIP region, facilitate local cooperation, and enable international teams to assist affected populations and enable response in no-man’s land. Day to day cooperation in simple accidents, as well as coordination in mass-disaster events and during conflict, are all part of the dialogue’s focus.

Focus and Achievements

The project focuses on further strengthening collaboration among the three entities in disaster preparedness, supporting regional capacity building for earthquakes and floods, and supporting the response preparedness level of the humanitarian actors on the ground. Efforts towards this end culminated in March 2023, with the conduct of a large-scale field exercise in JIP, marking a milestone during the tenth anniversary of the dialogue. It was during this time that the three local entities cooperated with one another and the international community with utmost respect, and with the common understanding that without regional collaboration no one could unilaterally respond effectively and deliver timely humanitarian assistance to affected populations. Common SOP for enabling assistance across borders in the region were agreed on. Authorities came together several times for Table-Top simulations. Most importantly, such milestone was followed up by a second agreement on further solidifying the diplomatic efforts worth a decade of time. Because of this, Prepared International thanks each stakeholder for their outstanding commitment and perseverance through all this time, and will continue to support the three parties.

Key Events and Lessons

The exercise in March 2023 provided an opportunity to gain important lessons to implement in the next phases of the project implementation.

  •   The cycle of conflict and disaster is often revered when it comes to the growing number of failed and failing states. Without strategically designed disaster diplomacy, it will not be possible to break this cycle.
  •   It is critical to prepare disaster risk experts for the diplomatic work around such projects. For diplomacy projects heavily focused on disaster risk, diplomats are not the most suitable candidates.
  •   Trust is everything. From the beginning, it is key to establish trust between all stakeholders and to prepare them to leave their comfort zones. It is helpful to have one focal point in the project, with one line of contact who can organize, manage the project and see the big picture, just like PPI has done for the Professional Dialogue

·   Finally, the best way to approach such a project is through a two-ways approach: top-down and bottom-up. Bringing together high-level personnel, who accept and learn to trust the project, and operational personnel, who work on the field level and cooperate with other stakeholders, is beneficial in reaching all levels of governance.

Promoting Cooperation and Understanding

This disaster risk diplomacy intervention allowed for developing a sense of mutual understanding and cooperation, thus enabling international teams to reach the Palestinian population during the response phase of a disaster. This milestone has provided a foundation for numerous preparedness projects in the region, since at the very beginning, most of the organizations were still “enemies”. In fact, contact was largely forbidden, which severely hindered any possibility of communication and cooperation during a disaster. Nowadays, after ten years and despite political tensions in the region, direct cooperation across conflict lines in the emergency and preparedness community takes place daily.

Disaster Diplomacy and Civil Protection Cooperation

The role disaster diplomacy played in all this in undoubted. Disaster diplomacy, at its core, is the utilization of disasters as a catalyst for diplomatic engagement, conflict resolution, and cooperation. It recognizes that during times of crises, political barriers can be transcended, and common interests in saving lives can create opportunities for dialogue and collaboration. Civil protection cooperation is the result in this case, of diplomatic efforts. It refers to the collaborative efforts and measures taken by different governmental entities to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters, coordinating with emergency management organizations, first responders, and humanitarian organizations.

Having worked in the field of disaster diplomacy and civil protection cooperation for years, PPI became a leading promoter in the fields. With a deep understanding of the complexities surrounding disaster management, PPI offers expertise in various areas, including civil protection, disaster diplomacy, climate change activities, violence and conflict resolution, food security and health. The organization’s comprehensive approach encompasses strategic planning, risk assessment, capacity development, policy development, investment plans, and more. PPI recognizes the significance of disaster risk diplomacy as a crucial aspect of its work, understanding that effective disaster management goes beyond technical solutions. By integrating disaster risk diplomacy into their projects, PPI aims to foster collaboration, dialogue, and cooperation among diverse stakeholders, including governments, international organizations, and local communities. Especially now, in times of climate-change, professional, well-planned disaster diplomacy and work in fragile and conflict-striven areas is getting more important than ever. The current situation in the Middle East even more shows the need for professional approaches, but also for donor support for it.

Albrecht Beck, Managing Director of Prepared International, Disaster Risk Diplomacy Expert

Antonia Vignolo, Project Officer in Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation